Enhancing Images with Text using Python’s Pillow Library

In the realm of image processing and manipulation, Python offers a versatile solution through the Pillow library. This powerful tool allows developers to effortlessly work with images, providing a myriad of functionalities. In this post, we’ll explore a simple yet effective use case: adding text to an image. Leveraging the Pillow library, we’ll delve into a Python script that downloads an image from a URL, overlays it with a custom text message, and saves the modified version. This hands-on guide will walk you through the code, step by step, showcasing the seamless integration of text onto images with Python. Let’s embark on a journey into the realm of visual enhancements!

See also: Exploring PyQt5: Building Interactive GUIs with Python

Let’s put text on images with Python

pip install Pillow requests

This will install the Pillow and requests libraries. Pillow is an image processing library that provides support for the image format used in the code, while requests is used to make HTTP requests and download the image from a URL. Make sure you have Python and pip installed in your environment before running these commands.


from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import requests
from io import BytesIO

# Image URL
image_url = "https://source.unsplash.com/random/800x400?nature"

# Download the image from the URL
response = requests.get(image_url)
img = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content))

# Create an ImageDraw object
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

# Specify the font and size
font_size = 30
font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", font_size)  # Replace "arial.ttf" with the path to your font

# Coordinates and text to be written
x, y = 10, 10
text = "Hello, Python!"

# Add text to the image
draw.text((x, y), text, font=font, fill=(0, 0, 0))

# Save the modified image


In this concise tutorial, we delved into Python’s capability to enhance images using the Pillow library. By harnessing the synergy of Python’s programming prowess and Pillow’s image processing capabilities, we crafted a script that downloads an image from a URL, embeds a custom message, and saves the modified version. This example highlights the simplicity and effectiveness of image manipulation using Python libraries.

Venturing into the intersection of programming and image processing grants you full control over the visual aesthetics of your images. The ability to automate tasks such as adding text to an image not only saves time but also sparks creativity across various applications, ranging from crafting personalized memes to generating dynamic visual content.

We trust that this tutorial has provided valuable insights to kickstart your own explorations in the realm of image manipulation with Python. Keep experimenting and uncover the myriad possibilities that the fusion of code and visualization has to offer.